Groups communicating on Telegram and other apps…Video footage of looting…

A Brooklyn Center police officer shot a man, Daunte Wright, during a traffic stop yesterday afternoon. Wright was reportedly twenty years of age.

A statement from police said that during the stop, officers determined that the driver had an outstanding warrant. As the officers were attempting to take the driver into custody, the driver re-entered the vehicle. One officer discharged a firearm striking the driver who then traveled several blocks before crashing.



Looting and rioting ensued Sunday evening following Wright’s death. Below is a video of the looting that occurred. Brooklyn Center mayor Mike Elliot imposed a curfew until 6 a.m. Monday morning. In addition to Brooklyn Center police, the National Guard was also called in response to the riots and looting.

@TCReporter, on Twitter, noted that business owners on Lake Street in South Minneapolis had boarded up in response to the riots and looting. The rioting and looting is reported to have occurred in Minneapolis as well as the Brooklyn Center suburb of Minneapolis. The report noted that many of the businesses were still boarded up from last year.

Groups and individuals on social media were encouraging and supporting the rioters and looters. One poster noted the locations of police aircraft and police riot squads. Another reminded the rioters to mark the phone number of “ntl lawyers guild: 612-444-2654” on their bodies with a permanent marker and to “contact @MNFreedomFund for bail.” Other social media posts noted that they were attempting to monitor police communications but that they were all encrypted.

One poster provided this tutorial on how to dress and what to take and not take to the protests.

State, local and county officials gave a press statement late last night. They noted that they were still mainly focussed on any rioting which might occur from the ongoing Chauvin trial for the death of George Floyd.

A Twitter user posted the below, noting it was video of Daunte Wright – this is not confirmed. Andy Ngo via Twitter, posted photos from Wright’s Facebook page and said that “his FB is filled w/him flashing gang signs, using drugs & showing off cash.”