The Vaccine Pass Arrives In The U.S.

New York City Mayor Bil DeBlasio announced this morning the “Key to NYC” pass – making it the first city in the United States to adopt a proof of vaccine requirement for indoor venues like restaurants, gyms, and performances. Customers and employees alike are affected – the initiative goes into effect on 16 August but becomes an enforceable mandate on September 13th.

Venues will be required to ask indoor patrons to show some proof of vaccination – a vaccination card (CDC), New York State’s Excelsior Pass, etc. It was unclear from the press announcements whether exemptions would be available for those unable to take a Covid vaccine or for those already exposed to the Covid virus.

A vaccine passport requirement has been implemented in parts of Europe. In a number of countries where the vaccine has been required for entry to markets, stores, etc., there have also been large protests and strikes against mandatory vaccination.

Will Americans accept a vaccine passport? Many states and jurisdictions have already passed legislation making mask requirements and vaccine requirements unlawful.